This symbol is quite possibly the most blatant satanic gesture that people simply refuse to acknowledge.
It is known as the diamond, the pyramid and the Roc A Fella hand sign. These are the most popular names for this sign. But there are others as well that precedes the popular names. People need to stop pretending that these symbols are harmless, remember as we have discussed in past blogs that it doesn't matter if they are displayed in ignorance or on purpose, the spirit behind them is very real. A very well known truther from back in the 70s named John Todd stated, "a curse cannot be put on a Christian, but a Christian can put a curse on themselves." So if you are opening the door for these spirits to come through into your life, you can bet they will come in various forms such as depression, anger, health issues, mental issues, anxiety, addictions and even demonic attacks.
Cognitive dissonance: mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, performs an action that is contradictory to one or more beliefs, ideas, or values, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.
We need to remove the veil over our eyes that has been put in place by people who don't care about your soul, people who lovingly work for and do the work of Lucifer. I am here to tell you that I CARE ABOUT YOUR SOUL! That is why I am doing these blogs, I want people to wake up, to get away from the lies and the things that are keeping you away from God! Just because you say you are a Christian does not save you, if we are truly born again, we need to stay away from things that our Lord God hates and commands us to not be a part of.
"Or what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; just as God said, "I WILL DWELL IN THEM AND WALK AMONG THEM; AND I WILL BE THEIR GOD, AND THEY SHALL BE MY PEOPLE. "Therefore, COME OUT FROM THEIR MIDST AND BE SEPARATE," says the Lord. "AND DO NOT TOUCH WHAT IS UNCLEAN; And I will welcome you. "And I will be a father to you, And you shall be sons and daughters to Me," Says the Lord Almighty." - 2 Corinthians 6:16-18
On to this hand sign. Back in the 19th and 20th Century, this hand gesture was used as one of many one had to perform in order to be initiated into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. It is known as a magical order and is devoted to occult practices, metaphysics and the supernatural. The list of initiates in this order has several very well known people including C.S. Lewis, J.R. Tolkien, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and Bram Stoker. Another initiate into this order was none other than Aleister Crowley. This is a picture of him in his Golden Dawn outfit. and below is a picture of the hand gesture called the sign of philosophus.
In this picture you can see the Freemasonic influences.
It is said that Crowley was one of the first initiates into this order during the very beginning and helped to start the order. Crowley went on to write and start his own occult religion. His motto was "Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law", as written in his book The Book of the Law. Crowley is considered the most evil man that ever lived. He called himself the Beast and proclaimed his number to be 666. He had sex with anything and everything, including children, he held rituals known as sex magick. Yes magic spelled with a k. He wrote many books that claimed to wanting to eliminate Christianity and said the most vile things about Jesus and God, even proclaiming one can be your own god. We see many artists who look to Crowley and his teachings and are avid followers of his. Here we see a cover the Beatles album Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and you can see Crowley in the crowd of people displayed.
I will go into this deeper in another blog, but you can see for yourself by searching up Crowley and his influence and followers throughout the music and entertainment industry.
One of the artists who made this hand sign quite popular is Jay Z. Here we can see him wearing a sweater with Crowley's infamous quote across it.
He tends to call himself Hova, referring to Jehova our God. This is extremely blasphemous and why any Christian would ignore this and continue enjoying his music is beyond me. Here we see him doing the hand sign which he calls the Roc A Fella sign, and if we remember correctly from past blogs, the Rockefeller family is one of the 13 elite bloodlines in the world who have personal hands in Freemasonry and Satanism and all the magical orders that exist.
Many artists are now doing this and it is not limited to frequent ones such as Beyoncé and Rihanna.
We can even see it shown in children's cartoons.
And another person in the wresting industry who also made the sign famous, Triple H
The satanic church revels in using this symbol as well to call upon demons. In this shot we can Anton LaVey, the founder of the church of satan.
A famous Satanist and the artist that inspired the alien in the movie Alien HR Giger, is a known Crowley follower.
In this picture we can see one of his pieces that dates back to 1962.
Do I believe that Jay Z is a follower of Crowley? Absolutely. And his fans just mindlessly go along with whatever he tells them to do. Not thinking of the demons they are calling upon every time they throw up this sign.
In this picture we can see Gloria Steinem, an American feminist and social activist, proudly display her I Had An Abortion Tshirt while making this hand gesture.
I guess she must be an avid Jay Z fan? Right.
Witchcraft has their hand in this symbol as well, of course they do, why pass up an opportunity to use a magical symbol that calls upon spirits.
Even our president has used this symbol in his run for president.
Even though the pyramid has more of an O shape of course to signify Obama, doesn't take away from what it is being used for. We know that they are all related, and that their roots all go back to freemasonry, the Knights Templar and all their magical orders.
So as we can see there is nothing innocent about this sign, as with all these signs and symbols, they have a dark, hidden past and all you have to do is follow the same road to the same mentioned people over and over.
"For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries." -Hebrews 10:26-27
If you have read this blog and are not a Christian, a follower of Jesus, all you have to do is repent of your sins, acknowledge that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life and that He is your Savior and Lord of your life, that He died for your sins so that you may be saved, then simply cry out these things to Him and invite Him into your life! Best decision you will ever make!
May all glory be to God the Father!
"If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 4:11
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Monday, April 25, 2016
Part 1 Symbols: The "OK" sign (666)
Today we will discuss a symbol widely used by everyone that has been adapted to mean "OK". Also means acceptable, everything is alright etc.
In all actuality, the meaning for A-Ok is more of a western tradition. To many countries all over the world it means something completely different. In Brazil, Germany, Russia and even Caribbean and South American countries use this symbols to express something very vulgar, specifically a lower region orifice, if you get my drift. In France it signifies a person who is worthless, a zero. In the Arab culture, it means you are giving the evil eye, putting a curse on someone.
In religions it takes on different meaning as well. In the Hindu religion it is a revered mudra ( a sacred gesture ) meaning infinity and perfection. While chanting and meditating, they sit with legs crossed and their fingers in this position.
Here we can see Shiva, the Hindu god of Destruction, using the same symbol.
It is actually a very common symbol, and the most widely used one in the Hindu religion. Buddha is also seen here with this symbol.
(image from The Herder Dictionary of Symbols)
In this picture of a statue of Buddha, you can see the hand sign, along with the swastika emblazoned on his chest. All you need to do is google Buddha swastika and see several pictures of this notorious Nazi symbol linked with Buddhism.
In Satanism, it is used as a representation of the unholy trinity, horned god, goddess and their offspring (antichrist). As far as Illuminati philosophy is concerned, it means approval from the divine king (antichrist). On the dollar bill, above the illuminati pyramid, are the words "Annuit Coeptus" which translates to "he/she/it approves our undertakings".
The hand sign can be found as far back as the 14th century, and popular in occult books such as The Book of Shadows, in the satanic bible, and many witch grimmoire books.
Here is a youtube video explaining some more history regarding the hand sign.
Going back to the meaning the Illuminati use it for, being the antichrist, it takes on a whole new meaning knowing the celebrity culture is made up of these Luciferian followers. They are showing their allegiance to Lucifer and the coming antichrist they know will be appearing shortly. In case you haven't noticed the pictures and constant bombardment of these celebrities showcasing this hand sign, I have some shown here and all you have to do is google this and you will see hundreds of pictures yourself.
(Lil Wayne is a known Satanist)
(T-Mobile ad)
Here is a youtube video showing a blatant use of this symbol. In the first one Lebron James does a series of hand signs at the end of the national anthem, pay attention:
In countless music videos you can see this symbol flashed over and over.
Hollywood, commercials, ads, magazine covers and music are filled with this symbol. Again if you think it is all a big coincidence, you really need to think again. The world is not what you think it is and the more you wake up, the more you will notice these symbols.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
"Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six." -Revelation 13:18
In all actuality, the meaning for A-Ok is more of a western tradition. To many countries all over the world it means something completely different. In Brazil, Germany, Russia and even Caribbean and South American countries use this symbols to express something very vulgar, specifically a lower region orifice, if you get my drift. In France it signifies a person who is worthless, a zero. In the Arab culture, it means you are giving the evil eye, putting a curse on someone.
In religions it takes on different meaning as well. In the Hindu religion it is a revered mudra ( a sacred gesture ) meaning infinity and perfection. While chanting and meditating, they sit with legs crossed and their fingers in this position.
Here we can see Shiva, the Hindu god of Destruction, using the same symbol.
It is actually a very common symbol, and the most widely used one in the Hindu religion. Buddha is also seen here with this symbol.
(image from The Herder Dictionary of Symbols)
In this picture of a statue of Buddha, you can see the hand sign, along with the swastika emblazoned on his chest. All you need to do is google Buddha swastika and see several pictures of this notorious Nazi symbol linked with Buddhism.
In Satanism, it is used as a representation of the unholy trinity, horned god, goddess and their offspring (antichrist). As far as Illuminati philosophy is concerned, it means approval from the divine king (antichrist). On the dollar bill, above the illuminati pyramid, are the words "Annuit Coeptus" which translates to "he/she/it approves our undertakings".
The hand sign can be found as far back as the 14th century, and popular in occult books such as The Book of Shadows, in the satanic bible, and many witch grimmoire books.
Here is a youtube video explaining some more history regarding the hand sign.
Going back to the meaning the Illuminati use it for, being the antichrist, it takes on a whole new meaning knowing the celebrity culture is made up of these Luciferian followers. They are showing their allegiance to Lucifer and the coming antichrist they know will be appearing shortly. In case you haven't noticed the pictures and constant bombardment of these celebrities showcasing this hand sign, I have some shown here and all you have to do is google this and you will see hundreds of pictures yourself.
(Lil Wayne is a known Satanist)
(T-Mobile ad)
Here is a youtube video showing a blatant use of this symbol. In the first one Lebron James does a series of hand signs at the end of the national anthem, pay attention:
In countless music videos you can see this symbol flashed over and over.
Hollywood, commercials, ads, magazine covers and music are filled with this symbol. Again if you think it is all a big coincidence, you really need to think again. The world is not what you think it is and the more you wake up, the more you will notice these symbols.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
"Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six." -Revelation 13:18