Friday, February 17, 2023

Things Are Getting Worse....Not Better

 "And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they abought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from Heaven and destroyed them all." -Luke 17:26-29

My last blog post was in 2019. Here I am today writing another blog. There are many Christians that for years have been proclaiming that things are going to get better, that God is going to bring an end to the evil that we see being promoted. Those are usually in the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation), they believe that we are supposed to take over with the 7 mountain mandates, something that has no Biblical basis whatsoever. The 7 mountains are : 1. Education 2. Religion 3. Family 4. Business 5. Government/Military 6. Arts/Entertainment 7. Media. There is not one Biblical source that gives any of this credence. The truth of the Word is this, "But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived." -2 Timothy 3:13, you can find verses speaking on the end time that tell us: perilous times will come, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, people will be covetous, boasters and proud, children disobedient to parents, people will be unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, despisers of those who are good, lovers of themselves. These are the things we can see happening in our day. The thought that we are to take over these categories so that the kingdom of God can be brought down to earth is completely unbiblical.

As we can all see, things aren't getting better, they are getting worse. The Word of God says this would happen in the last days. The Days of Lot, what was happening then that we can see happening today? The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were deep in sexual perversion, inhospitable to outsiders and full of pride. The actual acts of these things is not what got them destroyed, but the acceptance of all things evil and perverted. It wasn't enough to DO the acts they were doing, but all those around them, had to accept what they did. Like today, we see this within the queer community. It is not enough for them to be allowed to do what they want, but everyone around them MUST accept and allow their lifestyle to be showcased, taught and presented to everyone without backlash. So we see this happening today, not just queer, but pedophiles as well, bestiality and all sorts of perversion. As Christians, we are told that not accepting this lifestyle is judgmental and not what Jesus would do. Really? Is this what the Word of God says? Nowhere in the Bible does it say that, it actually says to judge with righteous judgment, judgment that comes through the Word of God, in the same way that we are ALL to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith, the same applies to anyone who proclaims themselves to be a homosexual, pedophile or any other lifestyle spoken of in the Bible as being not of God. Read Romans 1 if you are not sure about this, not to mention many other passages in Scripture that tells us what we should or shouldn't do. Do not make yourself a God in your own image, do not twist scripture in order to excuse your sin. The Word is given to us as an instruction manual. Do not take things out of context. Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed due to their lack of repentance. We are seeing that today. The book of Revelation even tells us that  in those last days "They blasphemed the God of Heaven because of their pains and their sores, and did not repent of their deeds." Revelation 16:11. Over and over we see the people in the book of Revelation not repent of their deeds, but instead cursed God. Pride is a dangerous thing. 

The days of Noah, we can find more of the same, wickedness displayed everywhere, fallen angel deception that corrupted the humans of that day. Except for Noah and his family. Only 8 people were spared in that day. Just 8, in the whole world. That should give us a little perspective into narrow is the way and broad is the path that leads to destruction. 

The world today, is becoming darker and more blatant in demonic rituals, and this is being normalized in today's culture. 

Let's begin with the ever popular Grammy's that transpired a couple of weeks ago. Sam Smith, a man who desperately needs Jesus, performed a satanic ritual in front of the whole world to see. Regardless of how poor the ratings are because, let's be honest, hardly anyone watches this anymore, at least not the way it used to be watched. But it was on air, and because of the craziness of what happened and media coverage, it became a household topic. He was dressed in red spandex surrounded by demonic looking and possessed "women", I use quotes because, let's be honest, they may or may not be men. Some were quite obviously men dressed like women. He had horns and danced seductively singing a song called Unholy, while a transgender danced in a cage surrounded by horned men dressed like women too. Sam Smith danced in a circle, a typical ritual representation, he even threw up the ok hand sign. The amount of demonic activity surrounding this event was too much to stomach and too obvious, but still people turn a blind eye to it and shake it off as "entertainment".

Here are some pics from that night:

Moving on to Beyonce, she was steeped in goddess worship visuals in her performance. She thinks of herself very highly and worthy of worship, if you don't believe me, look for yourself. She won an award and thanked "God", but what God is she talking of? She has written lyrics about using the Holy Scriptures to plug her menses. If that isn't blasphemous enough, the symbology surrounding her is extremely in your face. She may have believed in God at one point in her life, but that is long gone. She is still alive and very much still able to be saved, but at this moment in time, she is a lost soul and she is taking many to Hell right along with her. She is married to the next subject, Jay-Z who fancies calling himself JayHova. He truly thinks himself to be God. One day he will stand before the true God and will be very sorry for what he has done. In the meantime, during the Grammy's, his performance used the visual of the Last Supper. He sang a song called God Did. These are some of the lyrics to this blasphemous song that is nowhere near singing about the true God:
"Highest elevation of the self."
"These ain't songs, these is hymns cause I'm him
It's the Psalm 151, the new testament
the book of Hov (the book of Hov)
Jesus turned water to wine, for Hov, it just took a stove"

I think of when Jesus says, forgive them Father, for they know not what they do, but it seems that they know exactly what they are doing and so the punishment for people like this will be extreme. They have no remorse and have exalted themselves to be god, something Lucifer is quite famous for doing. And so they are of their father the devil, they do his bidding, they look to please him, and curse at God. I pray for their souls, because what they are heading to, is eternal.

Even though, this is all a disgrace and very sad to read, the worse of what happened that night goes to the countless "Christians" that attended and did nothing to stand up for God and chose instead to be a part of some of the most demonic displays of blasphemy ever shown on national TV. They stayed silent even after the show, they should have stood up and walked out, but instead they remained seated and took part of this. I will not be listing off the many Christian artists here, you can look them up yourself. But every last one of them, showed me what was more important to them, and it was not showing Jesus to the world. Jesus would not have been a part of this. He would have rebuked every last one of them and even cast out demons. But these disappointing people, they stayed silent. I do not intend on listening to their music anymore. What you choose to do is up to you. 

The Superbowl halftime show was also a demonic display of ritualistic dancing and symbology. Rihanna dressed in red, surrounded by dancers who danced seductively around her, she threw up the diamond (Roc) hand sign and even at one point, grabbed her crotch and proceeded to smell her hand right after, was so disgusting, and all I could think of when I saw that this happened, because again, I definitely did not watch this live, just saw some videos of truthers and Christians exposing this, but all I could think of is how many children watched this. No adult, let alone a child should be watching this lustful garbage. Rihanna has a history of demonic symbolism so this was in no way surprising. 

Evil in this day is truly getting worse. Beyond all this we touched on, there is so much more going on, Billie Eilish with her fallen angel and satanic imagery, Lady Gaga with all her lustful nonsense, not to mention that in a recent concert, she was shown playing the drums while a girl continuously threw up on her. I could tell you so much more, but this is getting to a point where it's so disgusting and my soul is truly getting tired of all of this. I do want to be obedient and expose this because I know that is what God called me to do, so that others can open their eyes and stay away from these people, pray for them, but stay away from them and the "entertainment" they bring you. In essence, it is being entertained by demons and I have a Holy Spirit inside of me that discerns these things for me. We are told to be separate from the world, and the closer we get to Jesus returning, the more we should take this seriously and take a stand for Christ. Love God, choose God and walk with God.

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."